the final post

Category: By Josh Lama
Yeah, I know, this is a bit sudden, but I felt that this blog wasn't alive as it was, and so, the blog will now no longer be updated any more. I am sorry if this has caused any upset.

If you still want to follow me, I am over at

If a replacement blog should start up it'll appear down below.

Thankyou and God bless.
Josh Lama.

EDIT: I can now be found over at!


Well, I suck a blogging.

By Josh Lama
No, Seriously, I suck a blogging.
I tried to get myself blogging again after me finding out that most of last year, I didn't blogg that much.

Moving on,

So the last time I blogged, a lot of things have happened. Now, I have just finnished my trials. (So since March, I have done half-yearly's, exams along the way, etc, then stuff on major works etc.) Hits head after doing so much work. And I'm not finnished yet... This week I have to get SDD done, VA done, and next week I have Music Composition and The actual thing.

HSC however is in October, and I finnish mid november, so who knows, this blog might change to the wrenching agony of going through the 'waiting process' of getting my HSC results and ATAR. (click here to find out more.) So, I'll see you then.

Oh and i'm in other places on the web.

Random stuff

Category: , , , , , , By Josh Lama
I found another website. This one is like the annotation feature on YouTube.

Caption Builder

It's better to see it.

Hope you enjoy.

Who are you – online?

Category: , , , , , , , , By Josh Lama

Who are you – Online?

By Josh Lama

Who/ What are you right now? Yes/ Right now?


A Kid?

An Adult?

Who/What are you online?


A Dog?



A 14 year old girl?

A 53 year old man?

Who/What are you online?

Should a flower be a flower?

Should a brick be a brick?

Should a human be a human?

Shouldn't that be for all cases,

even online?

Or are we so fed up of

Ourselves that

Being someone else seems the greater option.

How come, we live a double life?

Yours might not be as obvious:

Do you swear online?

Do you call someone online –

A Jackass


An n00b

That you wouldn't say in real life?

"It's amazing to have someone from

Australia and someone from South

America in the same chat room!"

Fr. Roderick. 2008.

It is amazing!

We are a worldwide comunity!

Why can't we make that?

"You know, what really bothers me about this...

...but the internet has made people so cynical,

and so unaccountable. And,

I actually sometimes detect a little glee

in some of

these people..."

Where are


going to be?

here here here

here here

"And I'm like, 'what kind of people are these?'

and 'do they have people they care about?'

Or are they literally



That they don't care about anyone but


Scott Bourne. 2009.


HSC update+

Category: , , , , , , By Josh Lama
Sorry for the long break, but I just want there to be a little change to the site.
For my Visual Art work, I am defny in there, while I have to work on my Music Compositions.
Just a quick update.

On a different note, You may know that there are major fires in Victoria, and NSW, so far killing almost 200 people. Hundreds still missing, Thousands need your support. I have posted a link below to where you can make a donation.

There are also Cyclones in WA, and Flooding in Queensland. Yep. We're preaty much need your help.

Thanks for your Support.

Now Listed as one of the Tom 100 Websites (@ the moment)

Category: , , , , By Josh Lama
Yes, Aren't I'm so Cool. Well, not really. I found this website where you can enter your entry one of the Top 100 Websites. It will be more the Top 100 Blogs but who knows.
You can visit the website HERE.

Oh, and it's one Week to go untill school for me. is cool

By Josh Lama
so I found this online, and I created a video out of it...